5G, Internet of Things, RCS, diversity in IT and telecoms and other hot tech topics were tackled at this October’s GSMA WAS#8, hosted by Infobip in Croatia. The Wholesale Agreements and Solutions (WAS) group meeting, held twice per year, is primarily a global business event for roaming and interconnect professionals. It also sets the stage for industry debate and great business networking. Consonna was proud to participate on board the hosting team.
-Telecom operators from around the world are investing in new technologies and business models. Mobile ecosystem is influenced by OTT companies, as well as software and tech companies that work alongside MNOs to bring in new business models and innovation potential, said Matija Ražem, VP Business Development at Infobip, and Director of large Operator Partnerships division at the company.
Growth of IP, changes in how telecom services are charged, network performance and slow regulation are some of the influences on MNOs’ business, and will likely impact them in the future, participants said. Some remarked that 5G is still being discussed in terms of infrastructure, and not so much in terms of services the new infrastructure will enable. Others called for faster rollout of RCS across networks.
Diversity panel by Vicky Sleight of Perfect Ltd and Kathleen Leach of Sprint looked into best practices for promoting inclusiveness for all genders, ages, ethnicities and beliefs. Diversity in technology is not only an ethical or social issue. It is increasingly seen as means of fueling innovation, and a critical factor in business success. Panelists Vedrana Miholic (CROZ), Sanja Buterin (Infobip), Jason Bryan (ROCCO) and Tina Fisic (Women Techmakers) shared valuable insight.
Session run by millennials explored common issues and stereotypes associated with the group. Millennials are not nearly as homogenous as it is thought, participants said. Their views on innovation, technology, work and life can be quite diverse, shaped by cultural and social background, education and other circumstances.
Delegates from several hundreds of telecoms attended, as well as companies that provide MNOs software and services; in total almost 1400 people. The main party, held in Pula’s Roman amphitheater, saw a performance of global music attraction 2CELLOS. The next GSMA WAS meeting is taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in April 2019.